How frequently should you have your carpets cleaned?

If you have carpets in your home, they probably go through a lot. Between everyday foot traffic, spills, and pets, it doesn’t take long until they’re looking dull and unattractive. Luckily, a professional cleaning service can bring them back to life.If you have carpets in your home, they probably go through a lot. Between everyday foot traffic, spills, and pets, it doesn’t take long until they’re looking dull and unattractive. Luckily, a professional cleaning service can bring them back to life.

But how often should you schedule a carpet cleaning? The residential carpet and flooring professionals at R. Fraser Company in New Hampshire can answer that one. Read on for our recommendations.

A general rule of thumb

Several personal and lifestyle factors influence how often your carpets need to be cleaned because every home is different. However, a general guideline to follow is to get one deep cleaning every 12 months. If you keep up with vacuuming regularly or live alone without many visitors, you may be able to go a little longer without one.

If you have children

It’s no secret that kids are the cutest, but they’re also capable of being extremely messy. If you have any children, your carpet may have more stains than the average household. Because of this, R. Fraser Company suggests you get a cleaning once every six months to stay on top of the mess. If you wait any longer than that, your floors may become overtaken with messes!

If you have allergies

Allergies like pollen, dust, and pet dander are some of the most troublesome. They’re also commonly found hiding within our homes. If these triggers affect you or another household member, our carpet and flooring company experts recommend you get a professional carpet cleaning every three to four months. Depending on the severity of the allergies, you may even need more frequent cleanings.

If you have pets

In addition to children, pets are also common culprits behind carpet stains and messes. They can track in mud, have accidents, or knock drinks and vases over. By getting your carpets cleaned every six months, our residential flooring experts can guarantee your carpet will look as good as it did during the installation process.

Because of the amount of foot traffic and spills your carpets see, it’s vital to clean them frequently so they’ll continue looking beautiful. At R. Fraser Company, we have different professional cleaning recommendations depending on whether you have kids, pets, or allergies. Get in touch with our New England-based team to learn more tips and tricks to maintain your new flooring.